Sunday, November 8, 2009

The loves in my life...

I have a few loves in my life and a couple of them are getting into conflict. My love affair with food is causing strain in my relationship with the mirror. I've been paying alot of attention to my food-friend and the mirror is getting upset. It tells me that when I look at it, it doesn't even know who I am anymore. I'm not the attentive partner that it needs me to be and it's getting fed up with always being taken for granted. I'm starting to agree with it's arguments. I need to pay more attention to my mirror's needs. It needs me to be the best person I can be and I want to be that guy for it.
Starting tomorrow, I'm going to redefine my relationship with food. No more late night booty calls from Whataburger. No more sneaking away for a nooner with taco bell. I must reform my cheating ways and be good to the mirror, as it has been good to me in the past.
I think the mirror and I have a good thing going and I'm not going to give it up for a hussy with special sauce.

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