Monday, September 21, 2009


This past week has been a little interesting. A friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend of almost 3 years on Monday. By Wednesday, she had left the apartment they shared and was on her way back to Chicago. We all hated her, but it still reminded me of what I gave up. There was part of me that wanted to tell him to reconsider before she was gone because once she is, it's over and she's not coming back.
Watched One Tree Hill tonight. A couple of twists I didn't expect came up and my first reaction was to pick up the phone and call her. It's what I've done in the past and it's what I wanted to do tonight. It takes everything not to call her. I still love her, but I'm trying my best to forget her. I don't check her facebook or livejournal anymore to try not to think about her, but it's still tough. I still consider her my family. Turning my back on her when she needed me the most is something I will regret for the rest of my life, but it's something I have to live with.
But time for me to stop whining and get back to the books. Evidence is calling my name.

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