Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I got up early this morning to get some reading done for my classes. Went over to the cafeteria to get something for breakfast and the guy at the register noticed my University of Manitoba T-shirt. He started talking about how he was from Indiana and how he loved being up north this time of year. It really made me homesick.
I haven't really missed home much this year, but something just clicked in me. I miss the change of the seasons. I miss my friends and family that I barely ever get to talk to anymore. I miss the political discussions with my dad. I even miss my putrid Blue Bombers.
I guess these things come and go. I feel blessed to be pursuing my dream of being a lawyer and Tulsa is my type of town. I have great friends who are very supportive, but it doesn't replace what I've got back home.
I'll be coming home over American Thanksgiving, but that's still 7 weeks away. I guess I'll just have to keep busy and not think about anything but what's directly in front of me. I'll see you in a couple of months.

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